
Foundations of Trustworthy AI integating Learning, Optimisation and Reasoning (TAILOR, 2020-2023)

TAILOR is a European network of 45 partners, among which Univ. Grenoble Alpes and INRIA, led by Linköping Universität. Its objectives are:

  1. Establish a strong pan-European network of research excellence centers on the Foundations of Trustworthy AI
  2. Define and maintain a unified strategic research and innovation roadmap for the Foundations of Trustworthy AI
  3. Create the capacity and critical mass to develop the scientific foundations for Trustworthy AI
  4. Build sustained collaborations with academic, industrial, governmental, and community stakeholders on the Foundations of Trustworthy AI
  5. Progress the Scientific State-of-the-Art for the Foundations of Trustworthy AI
  6. Increase Knowledge and Awareness of the Foundations of Trustworthy AI across

mOeX is committed to contribute to the 'Social' axis of Tailor. mOeX's work on assessing properties of elaborated knowledge by agent societies should contribute reinforcing trustworthiness of artificial intelligence mechanisms.

Knowledge communication and evolution chair (2019-2023)

The MIAI Knowledge communication and evolution chair aims at understanding and developing mechanisms for seamlessly improving knowledge. It studies the evolution of knowledge in a society of people and AI systems by applying evolution theory to knowledge representation.

This chair develops studies in knowledge evolution both experimentally, through multi-agent simulation, and theoretically, through logical modelling. For that purpose, it involves participants with both backgrounds.


Découverte des règles expressives de correspondences complexes et de liage de données (RegleX, 2019)

The RegleX project aims at extracting expressive ontology correspondences and link specifications through unsupervised or weakly supervised approaches.

It is a CNRS first funding for exploratory project (PEPS) involving the Melodi team of IRIT, the LaHDAK team of LRI and the LInK team of INRA/Agroparistech.


Outil d'aide à l'alignement pour l'élaboration du graphe culture (Ginco V3, 2018)

The Ginco V3 project aims at extending the Ginco terminology management tool with ontology alignment capabilities.

The project is performed within the framework agreement INRIA-Ministère de la culture et de la communication (see also).

Algorithmes d'aide à la définition de clés de liage et d'alignement d'autorités (FNE, 2018)

The goal of the FNE cooperation is to evaluate the suitability of link key extraction algorithms to matching authorities from BnF, ABES and the ministry of Culture and to improve such algorithms if necessary.

The project is performed within the framework agreement INRIA-Ministère de la culture et de la communication (see also).

Enhancing Link Keys: Extraction and Reasoning (Elker, 2017–2023)

The goal of the Elker project is to extend the foundations and algorithms of link keys in two complementary ways: extracting link keys automatically from datasets and reasoning with link keys. Concerning link key extraction, Elker delves into the parallel between link key extraction and formal concept analysis. To deal with dependent link keys, we adapt the procedures defined for relational concept analysis. Regarding reasoning with link keys, Elker extends description logics techniques for reasoning with ontologies, data and link keys. Tableau methods for description logics are adapted to infer axioms and link keys from ontologies and link keys.

The Elker consortium comprises three complementary teams specialist on data interlinking and semantic web technologies and models (mOeX, LIG), knowledge mining and formal concept analysis (Orpailleur, INRIA) and reasoning in description logics (LIASD).


Methodology and algorithms for ontology refinement and matching (2015-2017)

Jérôme Euzenat has benefited from a Special visiting researcher grant from the Brazilian Ciência sem Fronteiras program.

He worked with the team of Fernanda Baião and Kate Revoredo at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Together they investigated methods for evolving ontologies and alignments which involves users and agents.

In particular, they investigated the various ways to revise networks of ontologies. An original approach explored in this context is the use of theory revision (an inductive logic programming approach) to repair alignments interactively. They also developed a algorithm (ALIN) for interactive ontology matching which performed well in OAEI interactive evaluation.
